Microneedle-mediated Transdermal and Intradermal Drug Delivery

  • ISBN-10: 0470654899
  • ISBN-13: 978-0470654897
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Microneedle-mediated Transdermal and Intradermal Drug Delivery


Description: One of the latest techniques in drug delivery, microneedles are used for administering a wide range of drug substances used to treat various medical conditions. Thorough background…

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Description: One of the latest techniques in drug delivery, microneedles are used for administering a wide range of drug substances used to treat various medical conditions. Thorough background information is included providing a history of the field. Various methods used to produce micorneedles are described as well as a snapshot of the future directions within the industry. Written by highly qualified authors, this new text is the only title providing a comprehensive review of microneedle research in the fields of transdermal and intradermal drug delivery.

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